Welcome to an online treasure hunt

Treasure hunt?

Yes another treasure hunt! But this one is a bit more modern.
What do you need?
  • a smartphone
  • the free app "Google Maps": App Store or Google Play
  • small waterproof bags or pouches (if you would like to hide something)
  • interesting ideas for what you could do at the different waypoints
How does it work?

You create waypoints in a game. There you save a mission, a solution word, and a coordinate link. A waypoint is only unlocked when the correct single word solution has been entered. You can even track how your friends are getting on. Just try it out in the demo!

If you have questions check the help in the right top corner.

Singleplayer game

A singleplayer game is a personal game with a single game track that is played once.

New singleplayer game
Group game

A group game is a game with several parallel game tracks that are played simultaneously.

New group game
Multiplayer game

A multiplayer game is a general game with a game course that is arbitrary and can be played often.

New multiplayer game